Our Mission

Our community is dedicated to creating a safe space for Asian queers to explore the Christian faith. We aim to help everyone use their faith to navigate their confusion and contribute to their spiritual growth.


Social major graduate. I believe my study in Penn cultivate my deep compassion to social minority. Besides faith, I am also interested in arts (music, photography and movie). Let’s talk if we have similar interests!

– God said: Let there be light, and there was light. For me, faith is a transformative journey. As a part of Asian queer, I recognize all the challenges that our group will experiences. I hope Rainbow Angels can serve as a safe place where we can openly share our struggles and provide mutual support.

May God be our guiding light, and may we strive to be the salt of the earth.


 I am a devoted Christian and a proud lesbian who wholeheartedly embraces God’s plan for her life. I am dedicated to following God’s calling and actively serves in the Chinese LGBTQ+ community through my involvement with both Rainbow Grapes Wine and the the Chinese Rainbow Network (CRN), a prominent non-profit organization. My journey is a testament to my faith and commitment to both my spiritual and LGBTQ+ communities. I strive to be a bridge of understanding, love, and acceptance, living out my faith with integrity and compassion.

2011年来到并生活在加州旧金山湾区十多年,热心与当地的酷儿群体活动及公益。 参与的酷儿公益群体小组包括有 “骄傲的妈妈”,“彩虹姐妹信仰”,酷儿群体线下联谊活动。 2016年毕业于加州大学戴维斯分校化学系。曾在药剂师,地产投资,生物科技领域工作,并于数据统计专业进修硕士学位。



Our perspective emphasizes that being LGBTQ is not a sin. The core message of Christianity, as taught by Jesus, is love and acceptance.

God calls us to love one another unconditionally. Jesus himself highlighted the importance of love in John 13:34-35, saying, “A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another. By this, everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another.”

Furthermore, in Galatians 3:28, Paul writes, “There is neither Jew nor Gentile, neither slave nor free, nor is there male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus.” This verse underscores that our identity in Christ transcends all other identities and divisions, emphasizing unity and equality in the eyes of God.

Our attitude reflects this inclusive and loving approach. We believe that God’s love extends to all people, regardless of their sexual orientation or gender identity. It is our duty as Christians to embody this love, to support one another, and to create a welcoming and affirming community for everyone..

What we want t include in our community:

-Building a warm Christian queer community.

-Share critical resources to help grow the faith (especially the one with queer Christianity)

-Study bible together

-Happy hang out and make friends



Currently, most of our activities are online through zoom. But we will host in person activity in San Francisco Bay Area.

Yes. We are doing it totally for Asian queer community to explore their faith.

Want to talk to us?

We will get in touch with you in 1 or 2 days!

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